SIPTU members in local authorities demand talks on public service pay
SIPTU’s Local Authority Sector Committee have condemned the ongoing failure by the Government to engage with the Public Service Unions in relation to a successor agreement to Building Momentum, which expires at the end of the year.
While the Government pat themselves on the back for growing exchequer finances, they have ignored the requirements of our members, who are amongst the lowest paid public servants and are struggling to make ends meet in the middle of the ongoing cost of living crisis.
Karan O Loughlin, Divisional Organiser for the Public Administration and Community Sector said “ it is not acceptable that those workers who the State increasingly rely on to keep essential frontline public services. such as Local Authority services to businesses and communities throughout the increasingly extreme weather events such as Storm Babet, as well as providing essential public services throughout the recent Covid19 pandemic, would be so quickly forgotten by the Government.”
Brendan O’Brien, Local Authority Sector Organiser added ‘’Accordingly, at today’s SIPTU Local Authority Sector meeting, our Shop Stewards representing Local Authority workers across the country, have unanimously agreed that in the event the Government does not engage with the Public Service unions as a matter of urgency on a successor agreement to Building Momentum, we will consult with our members across the country with a view to commencing a campaign of Industrial and Strike action to secure a fair deal for our members.’’