SIPTU Health representatives to announce the result of Labour Court recommendations ballot tomorrow
SIPTU Health representatives will announce the result of the members’ ballot on two Labour Court recommendations aimed at resolving the dispute involving support grade staff and chefs in the health service on Wednesday (18th September) at noon in Liberty Hall, Dublin.
SIPTU Health Division Organiser, Paul Bell, said: “Over the summer, our members have been voting on these recommendations and the progress we have made in achieving significant pay awards through our agreed job evaluation scheme. These payments are in addition to the 1.75% increase in pay due from 1st September 2019 under the terms of the Public Service Stability Agreement.
“Our chef members are also very close to securing pay justice, with the Labour Court recommending that proactive process is undertaken by the union and the Health Service Executive (HSE). Once the ballot result is clear and if we have secured a mandate we will seek to engage with the HSE and build on the work already undertaken in order to assess and evaluate the pay issues particular to chefs and head chefs in the health service.”