RTÉ trade unions to ballot on restructuring proposals
The RTÉ Trade Union Group (TUG) has today (Wednesday, 3rd February) concluded negotiations on proposed temporary alterations to terms and conditions of employment. The proposals include changes to benefits, including pay reductions and a voluntary exit package.
In a statement the TUG said: “We are now in a position to put management’s revised proposals to ballot. While there are different views within the TUG negotiating team about the need for these proposals at this time, we acceptthat they represent the final position of RTÉ. During negotiations the TUG, mandated by its constituent unions, set as its priorities the maintenance of employment and changes to the original proposals of management.
“These priorities are reflected in the amendments accepted by RTÉ management. If our members accept these proposals in an effort to secure the long term viability of the organisation and the protection of Public Service Broadcasting, other stakeholders are required to play their role in this process.
“The management of RTÉ must work with the TUG to implement significant changes in how it operates while providing meaningful, secure employment and progression opportunities for all workers.
“We also call on the Government to play its part in providing the necessary funding required for public service broadcasting in recognition of the essential roleplayed by RTÉ workers, in particular during the Covid-19pandemic.
“We also await the report of the Future of MediaCommission due in September, which can help to ensure the long term and secure funding of RTÉ.”