Make your vote count

The 2020 general election will be a defining moment for SIPTU members and for workers across Ireland.

Liberty (@SIPTU)
2 min readFeb 7, 2020

The result will determine how our society and economy will be managed over the first years of this new decade. It will affect your income, your quality of life and the future for your family.

Tara Mines workers supporting SIPTU’s campaign to #Stop67

It will determine whether there is adequate provision of housing and shelter, decent healthcare and childcare services and fair pensions for all citizens over the coming years.

The outcome will decide whether public services such as the supply of clean water and the efficient and sustainable collection of domestic waste are fit for purpose.

For workers, it will mean the difference between being able to bargain collectively for better wages and conditions with employers or being at their mercy.

The election result will also decide whether a new government is able and willing to tackle the fundamental threat of climate change to our planet.

Member of the SCAN all-Ireland committee following their planning meeting in Liberty Hall, Dublin. Photo: Tommy Clancy

There has been an attempt to make this election a simple choice between the two largest political parties and their leaders. This is a false choice. Based on recent elections, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil represent just over 50% of the electorate with almost half of voters opting for other political parties or Independents.

We are not asking you to vote for any particular candidate or party. We are asking that you consider the policies in the SIPTU manifesto and to vote on Saturday 8th February for the candidates and parties that are most likely to deliver them.

Make your vote count.



Liberty (@SIPTU)
Liberty (@SIPTU)

Written by Liberty (@SIPTU)

Ireland’s Strongest Union. #ourSIPTU

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