Gas supply disruption warning as SIPTU members in GMC to strike

SIPTU representatives have today (Tuesday, 12th September) confirmed that last-ditch talks to avoid an all-out strike of members at GMC Civil and Mechanical Engineering have collapsed. This means that strike action will commence from tomorrow morning (Wednesday, 13th September) as planned.

Liberty (@SIPTU)
2 min readSep 12, 2023

SIPTU Transport, Energy, Aviation and Construction (TEAC) Division Organiser, Adrian Kane, said: “Our members never take the decision to strike lightly. However, the inflexible and disrespectful approach adopted by management has left them with no option. Something has to give.

“At the talks last night to resolve this dispute, the company sought further extensive changes to work practices as the price for implementing a pay and productivity deal which they had agreed to in May. To stall for months and now, at the eleventh hour, attempt to foist massive changes onto workers in return for a modest pay increase is completely unacceptable.

“SIPTU will continue to support workers taking industrial action in an effort to win pay increases. This is the best and fairest way to mitigate the continued high rate of inflation and the cost-of-living crisis.”

SIPTU Construction Organiser, Andrew Mc Guinness, said: “It was unprecedented for a company to renege on a set of proposals that it had previously agreed to implement. The consequences of this action will result in pickets being placed on GMC premises across the country, with the real possibility of disruptions in gas supply.”

